Occupational Therapist Director Recruiting Postcard

Postcard for one of the companies Rehab Resources assisted. They were creating an Occupational Therapist Assistant program at a local community college and needed an Occupational Therapist to lead the program. 


Occupational Therapist Recruiting Postcard

Rehab Resources employed many Occupational Therapists in New York State. This postcard was created to recruit them to work for Rehab Resources and it's sister company, Little Lukes. 


B2B Promotional Brochure

Promotional brochure targeting hospitals and nursing homes who could benefit from Rehab Resources staffing services. 

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Peace Love SLP Logo

Logo for a shirt for Speech Language Pathologists. 


Nursing Home Newsletter

Newsletter for a Nursing Home Rehab Resources provided staffing services at. 


Daycare Informational Brochure

Informational brochure about Little Lukes Preschool for prospective parents . 

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Daycare Ad for Local Paper

Promotional ad for local paper.